
Bolt Seals

  • 編號:Bolt Seals

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Bolt Seals-Custom accepted seals, trailer seal, customized LOGO and serial number are available.

Container seals can be customized with your own LOGO and serial number. ‘After loading the containers, the shipper can seal the container for securing goods and tracking the container.
  • After loading the containers, the shipper can seal the container for securing goods and tracking the container.
  • Apply the container seal on the right door lock of the container. Please make sure the seal bolt goes through the lock hole from up to down.
  • Have the seal bolt aim to the seal nut and push them firmly together till the seal “click” .
  • Testing the seal by having nut spin. The complete locked nut turns smoothly. Make sure the side with company name and serial number face outside.
  • Following above steps for making sure the container seal is applied properly.
  • f. The container seal is one-time-use only. If you found the seal disappear, or broken, it means the container might have been open.
 Bolt Seals-Custom accepted seals, trailer seal, customized LOGO and serial number

How To Use Bolt Seal